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Monday, November 15, 2010

Crazy in Love

I recently just got hired at a middle school in Springdale, AR.... I got hired in the middle of the year, after the teacher had to leave unexpectedly. The students had a substitute teacher for about 2 or 3 weeks that let them run wild! Another teacher said it was like a movie at one point, she walked in and there were 7th grade boys wrestling in the middle of the classroom, one kid was doing pull ups on the door frame, girls were loudly socializing in the corner, and then there was the sub.... reading quietly in the corner as if nothing was going on! So, when I walked in on the first day, I had a pretty "rough" group of kids that needed to be reminded of what it meant to be in a real History class!

It has been crazy...but I am in love with my job! I work at one of the most challenging schools a first year teacher could work. The student population is about 70% Hispanic and Marshallese student population compared to the 30% Caucasian population. The majority of the student population are considered by the state to be "poverty" level. I am stepping into their world every day... When I walk out of my front door, I have left my world and entered into theirs. It has been a very humbling first few weeks, crazy.... but I am in love!

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